Another Game of Boom!
I ran up the stairs with two bags of groceries in my hand, past my brother's door, stopping only for a few seconds to yell, "Matt's here!" then down to my room. I grabbed my shotgun out of the closet as fast as I could then ran the groceries back down the hall and left them in the kitchen. I was so excited, I had carried them the whole way (I have to go by the kitchen to get to my room).
Tonight's game was the best so far.
I crept out the back door, crawling on the kitchen floor so Matt wouldn't see me through the windows in the front. Ben waited inside, hoping he could use the vacant rooms to his advantage. I, silently as I could, made my way around the house's entirety without one sighting. "Maybe he's going around the house the same way I am," I thought. He had seen me with the groceries before I disappeared into the basement, where he eventually snuck in. "Maybe if I stay..."
Ben's down. Now I know Matt's in the house. So I go back into the basement through the garage. The door into the house there is fortunately without obvious creeks. I used that to my advantage. So I waited at the bottom of the stairs, hoping he'd come down. His shadow came across the front door, silhouetted by the kitchen light. All was working to my benefit...until Ben joined him. "Crap," I thought. "Now I've got two of 'em." They conspired, within ear shot, to go outside, choosing the back door as their exit.
"I just might have a chance," I thought.
After I heard them leave, I made my way up to the kitchen where my mom was preparing dinner. I motioned a question, raising two fingers and pointing them both outside. "Are they both out there," I was asking. She peered out the door, under the guise of checking the laundry on the line, and shook her head. The coast was clear.
So out I went. I headed around the north side of the house and heard them in the garage. But if I went that way (north), they'd see me through the window. So I had to try south. I had just come around the corner when Matt popped out of the garage.
We both got a shot off. No one's really sure who first. Ben came out after him.
I shot first but if Matt had gotten the first shot of all, it wouldn't matter. Of course, Ben was already hit anyway from before so I suppose that doesn't matter in the least.
The game took a total of fifteen minutes (usually it takes two) and it leaked outside, which it's never done before. I'm sure, now that we've explored some previously undiscovered potential, we'll be doing it like this more often. It should be interesting, come winter.
Like I said, best so far.