October 15, 2005

A Month of Cleansing #7, supplimentary (The Checklist)

Wow, two posts in one day. Trying to decide whether to title it #8 or simply a second part of #7, i thought i'd go by day rather than by entry. Although, in that case, this would technically be #15. I'll just stick to what i feel like doing. Deal with it.

Why do i enjoy it so much when people fit the mold? My mold, that is. Or rather, when girls fit my mold, though i suppose it would apply to new guy friends as well, but for now, let's leave it on girls. Girls. SIDENOTE: I'm 22, soon to be 23 and i still call female peers girls. I just can't come to calling them "women", and "young women" is too long ot keep saying. I dunno...chic? I guess i'll call them from here on in. Chics. Sorry if that offends my female readers (if there are any) :END SIDENOTE

ANYWAYS, i profess that i want people to be themselves, and let everyone including me deal with who they are. I've always asked everyone i know to do that...just be honest with who you are and what you want. Don't sugarcoat things for me, don't hide pieces of you that you're afraid might offend or cause embarrassment to either party. And yet, somewhere in the recesses of my mind is this checklist. Some guy's sitting there with it, and when things i like come up, he checks them off (it's very long), and when things i don't like come up, he makes a little note. And there's this notch system, and when a check is made, the bar moves up a notch or so (depending on what the check is for). When a note is made, the bar moves down (again, the amount depending on the note).

And what gets me is that i'm contradicting the whole "be yourself" thing with that checklist. I want to burn it. And just have a list with your name on it. And on that list i'll have:

Favorite ice cream flavor
Orange juice with or without pulp (if you like it at all)
Favorite movies (can never pick just one)
What you do with time by yourself
The little things you appreciate
The little things you could do without
Those little quirks that make you who you are

Basically everything that makes you who you are, without a check or a note by it. Just a "who you are" list, not a "what i like/dislike about you" list. Because THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is really letting you be yourself. And until that first list is destroyed, i'm just being a hypocrite. I can't stand hypocrites (we all are).

Three pancakes just walked in the door. They look pretty serious, i should see what's up.


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