October 15, 2005

A Month of Cleansing #7 (The Box)

Watching a Boston Market commercial, i decided to download the song in the background. Reverend Horton Heat singing, "Eat Steak". It's very Johnny Cash. Speaking of commercials, there's that Pizza Hut one where they say, "it's our 25th anniversary," or something like that, "so to celebrate, we thought we'd give everyone a quarter." Then they proceed to drop thousands of quarters from a hot air balloon, sending pedestrians below into a panic while George Washington goes crashing into cars, buildings, all kinds of things. I decided the girl in it is cute. Why i came to that conclusion is obvious. Why i chose to share it with you will end up in the box.

Ah, the box. Chelsea and i were talking in the car on thursday night, and i made it up on the spot, but decided to keep it. The box is the place where all things unheard go. We each have our own, and as such, they all contain different things. When you're standing with a bunch of people and you vocalize some random musing, but no one hears it, that goes in the box. When you tell a joke, and in your head it makes complete sense, but no one gets it; that goes in the box. SIDENOTE: interupted by a phone call. music is on random again. Linkin Park, "Session"...very enjoyable piece of music, especially when loud or in headphones) :END SIDENOTE so, this box. Yeah, it's out there somewhere at the end of the universe with my name in black marker. "Adam" it says. One might wonder how i would be able to tell my box from all the other Adams out there. To that, i simply say, "Chicken nuggets, good sir. Chicken nuggets." I'll receive the box and be able to view all its contents when i die. God will hand it to me. "Here's your box, Adam."

But, for now, it's just floating out there at the end of the universe. I'm not sure which end, but it's not for me to know just yet. Beside the box is a table with a phonograph on it. There are no apparent speakers, but the music playing sounds great. It changes with me. Whatever fits the moment i'm in gets played. Some days it's Hawaiian, other days it's opera. You just never know. Like right now it's playing the intro to Matrix Revolutions. Odd, yes. But very cool to be listening to at the end of the jar that our world sits in.

Actually, now that i mention that, i'm very much in the mood for The Matrix right now. Even if just to listen to while i'm doing something. Wow i'm tired. My eyes have been closed again while i'm typing. I stayed up until 4 am due to some flooding issues. As you may or may not know today marks the end of an 8-day raining period. The backyard flooded, the street was flooded at one point, and water got into the basement.

I went outside to check it out, and i was so psyched up to see just how much water there was outside. I could've gone swimming in the backyard, and there was so much water in the street that a Buick lost its hubcap when it impacted the puddle. Very cool. I had to clean most of the water on the carpets downstairs with a wet-vac, and the rest will have to evaporate in time with the aid of some house fans.

a new subject
Here's an away message i put up the othe rnight:
My skin has gone without the intimate touch of a female for many days now. Without hesitation, i can say that i long for it. I crave it. But what part of me does? My heart, or my flesh? And if i were to appease that desire, would i be truly satisfied, or continue to hunger? A simple touch can carress the very fabric of my inner being, but it is only a temporary relief. What i really long for is an infinite intimacy. A relationship that resides in my very soul. And for that, i must turn to He who created me. Only with Him can i find my true purpose, my true identity, my true reason.

I really do miss touch.

Alright, before i become completely engulfed by sleep i'm going to go upstairs, take a shower, put on The Matrix on my laptop and speakers while i do so, then go for a bike ride with my camera and see what i can discover.

Don Davis, Matrix Revolutions soundtrack, "Woman Can Drive"


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