October 11, 2005

A Month of Cleansing #6 (Both Hands)

Ani DiFranco, "Both Hands"...although by the time i got down to typing this first sentence, i had already switched to "Untouchable Face", a live version (which is better). The meaning, that which the song conveys, really doesn't apply to me. But the style of music, the sound that it brings to my conscious thought, is the reason for its current playback. "Lost Woman Song". There's just something about the acoustic sounds that emerge from the pit of her guitar that soothe my soul in a deeply pensive way.

"some of life's best lessons are learned at the worst times" -- Ain't that the truth.

"Both Hands" is about a past relationship that grew slowly worse, but through it all there's this physical and sexual imagery.

And both hands, now use both hands
Oh no, don't close your eyes
I am writing grafiti on your body
I am drawing the story of how hard we tried.

And i am watching your chest rise and fall
Like the tides of my life and the rest of it all
And your bones have been my bed frame
And your flesh has been my pillow
I've been waiting for sleep to offer up the deep
With both hands

Of course, i have not had the pleasure of sex yet, by choice, so i can't quite relate. But despite that, there's something in the lyrics and in her contemplative strumming and plucking that reaches deep inside me, striking a few chords in my own soul. I don't know what it's like to experience intimacy so real it's tangible, but there have been moments in life that i would like to pull out and experience all over again.

I would write (type) more, and i certainly wish that i could, but i seem to be sleepy, judging by the fact that my eyelids were closed for the last few sentences. So i'm calling it here. More tomorrow, or in a couple days i suppose. Life won't run out of questions or complexities any time soon, so i'm not worried about a lack of material.

Thanks for your time, dear reader(s).


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