February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day, Cassie

I've been quite engrossed in the Olympics as of late, and as a result i have left my blog to fend for itself. While yes, you could argue that i am here right now, it's only for a brief interlude during a two week break from normal life. So, don't expect too much here, or until the Winter Games have been completed in their snow and icy splendor.

It's Valentine's Day, everyone. We singles like to call it "Singles Awareness Day". I am without significant other this year, and where that would normally sink my heart to a depressive depth, i am doing quite well. Bob Costas keeps me quite distracted, for one (no i'm not gay, he's just one of my favorite parts of the American Olympic experience). And on top of that, i've come to the realization that i don't need someone to be whole. Yes, my heart was meant to romance and love, but being without someone to give those things to is not the end of the world. She'll come when God knows i'm ready and until then, i've got plenty of things to do and learn.

I've been really paying attention to the U.S. Women's Curling team, and so far they're not doing too well. They lost to Norway, 11-5, and Canada, 11-5. Yeah, i know, the same score? Right now they're playing Japan (not live, it's taped from earlier). I could easily go find the final score, but i'd rather be surprised. I would love to be there cheering them on, but i don't really have the money to go to Italy. Vancouver, though...there i can go (that's where the 2010 Winter Games will be). Joe and i will be attending them, Curling especially.

Anyway, i just wanted to wish a special someone Happy Valentine's Day; Cassie Johnson. She's the Skip of the team. I think she's really cute and she seems like a swell gal. I'd love to take the whole team out to dinner or treat them to a nice evening away from all the pressure to ease out of any existing tension (and end the evening just talking to Cassie about anything), but again...can't fly to Italy. And even if i could, meeting them and convincing them to join me for an evening meal would be quite the task, especially with objections from the coach. He doesn't look like the kind of guy you want to mess with (partly sarcastic...have you seen the guy?). Although i guess i wouldn't have to be with them. I could just give them the gift of a team night out. Well, anyways, i'm not there.

So, from here in the U.S. at my laptop on the kitchen counter, listening to the sounds of your game, Happy Valentine's Day, Cassie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw the title I knew who this was written to. :-) "She's a swell gal," you said. Too cute. I hope someone thinks I'm swell.

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

February 15, 2006 9:27 AM  
Blogger Alyssa Joy Lewis said...

SWEET! I really hope you have a blast at the 2010 Winter Olympics man! ROCK ON!

May 23, 2006 10:24 AM  

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