February 04, 2006

For Corey

Thomas Newman playlist i made on my iPod with all his quieter, more pensive tracks.

Corey died today.

Complications from seasonal transition ushered her to the exit. Her departure had noticeably advanced for the final moments of her life and, thus, was anticipated. But, despite the expectation, it remains a difficult loss for those who knew her.

Her character waned and waxed at its own discression, without the slightest warning or gesture. While she generaly lived unassumingly concealed in the masses, her presence caused a more manageable view of life's otherwise complicated affairs.
She was unpredictable, quirky, and prized for her uniquely refreshing and comforting qualities. Her full potential, hidden amongst the clutter of daily life, will remain a mystery though one could argue, philosophically, that it had already been reached.

There is more that can be said of her and that i wish i could express in more articulate words, but that's all i have the present capacity for. There is a time to mourn and a time to rejoice. People come and go, and so it is with Corey. She will be mourned over for a time and then perhaps a new birth will bring a period of rejoicing. I am not trying to depreciate her passing, but rather accepting it as a part of my own life.

I will miss you.


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