May 23, 2006

Father Time

Alyssa and i were talking and she confessed that on occasion Mother Nature will prank call her. Normally one would be thrown off by this or think how odd for Nature to use a phone. But not i.

I've gotten several calls from Father Time.


me: Hello?
FT: Hi, do you have any bananas?
me: Um...yeah a couple, why?
FT: Your clocks are wrong! HA HA HA...[click]


me: Hello?
FT: Hi.
me: Who is this?
FT: Father Time
me: Oh. What's up?
FT: Have you set your clocks ahead?
me: Um, no...daylight savings doesn't come for another month.
FT: Hold on, my hot dog's ready.

two minutes later...

FT: Hey, can i borrow some ketchup?
me: How in the heck am i going to send that to you?
FT: GOTCHA! HA HA HA [click]


me: Hello?
FT: No, no, i run around the backyard nak...oh, hi.
me: Yeah, hi.
FT: Remember that time i took you camping?
me: No.
FT: That's because it didn't happen!
me: Yeah i know.
FT: Oh. Um...well i gotta go. [click]


me: Hel...
me: Time?
FT: No, no...this...this is the Easter Bunny.
me: Uh huh.
FT: I'm the Easter Bunny. You can't see them, but i have big pink ears.
me: No you don't.
FT: I said, "You can't see them."
me: Yeah but when you talk it says "FT", short for Father Time.
FT: No it....oh yeah. Do you have any bananas?
me: You already said th...


me: Hello?
FT: Sometimes i sell furniture.
me: Fine.
FT: Antiques too. I had this old cactus salt shaker and i got twenty bucks for it.
me: Wow.

Yeah, he thinks he's really funny but he's not. Maybe he'll grow out of it. If not, i'll just have to put up with it.


Blogger Alyssa Joy Lewis said...

Mother Nature called me this other time, only I wouldn't really classify it as a prank call.
Me: Hello?
MN: Your room smells horrible!
Me: What?! No it doesn't! Who is this?
MN: I can't believe you don't know your own Mother Nature! AND you talked back to me! *click*

So the next morning I woke up and all kinds of plant life had sprung up through my floor! Flowers, vines, trees, bushes, everything! I tried to get out, but by door had been blocked by an oak tree. I couldn't get out through my window either, for all kinds of wild animals with teeth were guarding it. For that, I called animal control. They were quite helpful. As for the plant life, it took me a long time to clear all that out. My dad even had to hire these guys called the Super Gardeners (they had capes on and everything) to come in and spray weed killer and all kinds of stuff to clear out plants. I couldn't sleep in my room for like two weeks!
I think I'd much rather be called by crazy old Father Time than have to deal with Mother Nature's mischief.

May 23, 2006 10:27 PM  

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