About Ten Minutes
The estimated time between now and when an expected phone call will hit my phone.
Let's see where I can get in that time.
While I hate wasting time in explanations, this may need one. Alyssa will be calling me when she finishes her movie with Kay. The estimated time span between now and then is ten minutes. I wanted to see what I would be able to blog about in that time. So let's see what happens...
My parents just arrived home from a play or musical they saw in...nah.
I was listening to the Superman Returns soundtrack in my head while I was getting ready for bed. Oh shoot. I forgot to brush my teeth. Well...it can wait. The particular track I was replaying goes to the scene where Superman is having a conversation with Lois Lane while flying her around, thousands of feet above the city.
The way the music is written and the remembrances it brings of the scene bring me to that place. That patch of sky way up there where no one else is. Where there are no noises, no distractions, no problems. Just quiet.
And here's the phone call.
Just as my time has ended, so must this entry. Perhaps I'll elaborate on it at a later time or perhaps I'll leave it as a random moment in time, just the way it is. We'll all find out together.
Let's see where I can get in that time.
While I hate wasting time in explanations, this may need one. Alyssa will be calling me when she finishes her movie with Kay. The estimated time span between now and then is ten minutes. I wanted to see what I would be able to blog about in that time. So let's see what happens...
My parents just arrived home from a play or musical they saw in...nah.
I was listening to the Superman Returns soundtrack in my head while I was getting ready for bed. Oh shoot. I forgot to brush my teeth. Well...it can wait. The particular track I was replaying goes to the scene where Superman is having a conversation with Lois Lane while flying her around, thousands of feet above the city.
The way the music is written and the remembrances it brings of the scene bring me to that place. That patch of sky way up there where no one else is. Where there are no noises, no distractions, no problems. Just quiet.
And here's the phone call.
Just as my time has ended, so must this entry. Perhaps I'll elaborate on it at a later time or perhaps I'll leave it as a random moment in time, just the way it is. We'll all find out together.
Awe... If I knew you'd be blogging until I called, I would have waited a little longer to give you more time to write. But, as it is, you now have a quite randomly produced entry. The movie was very confusing, and my cat still doesn't know left from right, but all is well. My dad is walking around the house singing "Who let the dogs out?" Ah... and now there is peaceful, inspirational music. It sounds like something out of The Lord of the Rings, with light piano, a hint of strings, and strong woodwinds. It's beautiful, really. It makes me feel like flying over the ocean, or going on some kind of far away adventure where there is georgeous landscapes. Like the landscape in Romantic paintings, with the exception of Kincade (i don't think i spelled his name right, but whatever). Well, here is a random comment for your random entry.
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